Speaker: Molly Murray

The Opposite of Love is Indifference

Speaker: Molly Murray  Music: Mariana Beks
Love is often used frivolously, but to have love as a value goes deeper than romantic or family love. The opposite of love is not hate; it is indifference. To radically love is not easy; it takes work to transcend preserved differences … read more.


Speaker: Molly Murray  Music: Marsha Sousa
“We celebrate that we are all sacred beings, diverse in culture, experience, and theology.” ~UUA Values  There is a Quaker idea of inner light—that the divine speaks to us in the way we will receive it best. This light is inherent in … read more.

Interdependence is a Form of Resilience

Speaker: Molly Murray  Music: Mariana Beks
Interdependence is more than just our connection to the web of life. People are naturally social beings, and our reliance on each other is not a weakness but, in fact, our strength. We learn and grow from our relationships with one another, … read more.

The Spacious Table

Speaker and Lay Leader: Molly Murray Music: Marsha Sousa
As Unitarian Universalists, we cultivate a spirit of gratitude and hope. Generosity is more than giving time, money, and talent. It is about fostering the spirit of generosity as a value so significant that we give freely in love. When … read more.

Tearing Down the Fence

Speaker: Molly Murray Music: Marsha Sousa
Three children are outside the fence watching the game. To be equal is to give each child the same box to stand on. One did not need it to see, one can now see over the fence, and one is still … read more.

Justice – Living Our Faith in the World

Speaker: Molly Murray  Music: Marsha Sousa
“True peace is not merely the absence of tension it is the presence of justice.” — MLK Jr.

How we commit ourselves to serving justice in this world is how we live our values in the wider world.


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Personal Theology

Coordinator: Molly Murray Music: Marsha Sousa, music.
This service is the result of the Personal Theology study group that Molly led. Maybe you will want to check it out next time!



Speakers: Molly Murray, Silvia Daeumichen, and Gavyn Shepard  Music: Marsha Sousa
Transitions and milestones are a part of everyone’s life. We dedicate ourselves to our children, we welcome new members, we bridge youth into young adulthood. There are so many other milestones throughout our lives that are … read more.