The fellowship meets at 10:30 a.m. Sunday mornings. Our Full-time Minister is Rev. Leslie Ahuvah Fails. When Rev. Leslie is not leading our services, they are led by lay members of the fellowship or by guest speakers from the community and visiting ministers from other UU fellowships in Alaska, Canada and the Lower 48.
Our worship services are normally diverse, and you can expect to hear many voices speaking on a variety of topics over the course of the year. Our services feature guest speakers, visiting ministers, facilitated discussions on spiritual and social concerns, and dramatic presentations. Music and ritual are always a part of the worship service. Seasonal services include an outdoor Advent garden, the traditional UU flower communion and the Maypole celebration.
Worship services last 60-75 minutes and are followed by a social gathering with coffee and refreshments. Childcare is available for toddlers and preschoolers, and Religious Exploration classes for older kids during the service. Although we do not currently offer infant care, parents are welcome to bring babies to services where a crying room is available if needed.